What Does a Typical Day at Camp Shakespeare Look Like?

Camp Shakespeare Campers arrive at the Francis Parker School between 8:30 - 9 a.m. Drop off will occur outside on Third Street which is a Two-Way Street. They have until 9am to mingle with other campers, play self-directed games/activities, and generally acclimate to begin their day.

Each Camp session has a max number of 10-15 students, depending on age, with two Instructors assigned to each group. Support Staff include the Camp Manager and Education Intern.

In their individual Camps, campers will be working on vocal and physical warm-ups, art projects that tie into their chosen play, improvisation and theatre games, opportunities to learn about the history of Shakespeare, England, and art forms of the time including Renaissance Dance and Stage Combat, and rehearsal for their final sharing of their adapted Shakespeare play.

Groups have one or two designated water/snack breaks throughout the day and a lunch break. Camp Shakespeare is a very active camp, so we’re very intentional about staying well-hydrated and energized for our activities!

The camp day concludes with dismissal from 3:45-4:15p.m. where students will be picked up in the car rider line on 3rd Street and escorted by staff to their vehicle.

For The Globe Players; they will have up to 20 students with one director and an intern. They rehearse at our office at 616 Myrtle Street Louisville, KY 40208. Their days consist of rehearsals towards their final full-length production, master classes with guest artists, and training exercises.